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Metal Prints


Edvard Munch

About the artwork

Edvard Munch (1863-1944)
Madonna (Madone)
Lithograph on green card
60,3 x 44,2 cm

This lithograph is a reproduction of one of the most iconic painting of the expressionist painter Edvard Munch, Madonna, that was executed in five different versions. One of them, that was being kept at the Munch museum in Oslo, was stolen in 2004, then found two years later.

Discover the artworks of Edvard Munch

Metal Prints

For a minimalist and ultra modern rendering! Our metal prints are produced using the latest sublimation technology. This process uses heat to transfer the image into the aluminum sheet, allowing an unparalleled colour gamut of the highest archival standards. Prints are durable, lightweight, easy to clean, scratches and water resistant.

  • High-end HD sublimation printing technology using the Chromalux® process
  • Glossy finish.
  • Thickness: .045 in. (1.14mm), gently rounded corners
  • Aluminum made with recycled materials and 100% recyclable
  • System of hangers and plastic cushions that allow to detach the work from the wall.
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